Do you feel like every trip you take to Mammoth Lakes goes by in a flash? One minute you’re scrolling through available condos, and the next thing you know, the vacation is somehow already over and you’re packing up the car to drive home.
This is such a common experience! For most people, a trip to Mammoth really is the epitome of “time flies when you’re having fun.” But luckily, there are a few things that you can do to slow down and live in the present during your time here.
Let’s take a look at 6 ways to make the most of every moment here in Mammoth Lakes!
Start the morning off right
As soon as the alarm goes off in the morning, the mad rush begins. You’re getting the kids dressed in their many layers of ski clothes (why is it so difficult to keep track of mittens?), you’re whipping up a quick breakfast, you’re Googling where to find the best ski rental place. And every time you glance at the clock, you feel like you’re missing out on precious slope time.
And we get it, there’s definitely pressure to get to the mountain early to make the most of your ski passes. But, there is a way for you to reclaim your mornings with a little more mindfulness:
Lay out everything you’ll need in the morning the night before. It will take a little bit of time before bed, but you’ll be glad not to be scrambling in the morning to find socks, leggings, beanies, and those dang mittens.
Book your ski rentals ahead of time. Most ski rental places around town offer booking for rentals in advance, which means that they’ll be ready for a quick pick-up on the way up to the mountain.
Wake up 15 minutes earlier to fit in a quick meditation. Meditation has been shown in studies to increase our sensitivity to time, allowing us to perceive time as passing more slowly. Of course, if meditation isn’t your thing, that’s okay too. Consider setting yourself up with your morning coffee in front of the window. Whether your condo has a view of the Sherwins or you’re able to watch big fluffy snowflakes falling softly, the beauty of the Eastern Sierra will bring you into the present moment.

Don’t overpack your itinerary
We absolutely understand the urge to try to fit in all of your favorite activities into the short time you’ll be in Mammoth. You might, for instance, want to make your yearly pilgrimage to the Looney Bean. The kids might want to try out the new Ice Rink. And of course, it’s a family tradition to fit in an evening at Mammoth Rock’n’Bowl. And on top of that, there’s the ever-changing schedule of live music performances, special events, and festivals to enjoy!
But, overpacking your schedule can end up making your vacation feel like a blur of activity. And, it will reduce the time that you’re able to relax and recharge for the next day.
By all means, plan to do the things that you love most while in Mammoth. But, consider whether there are activities that you can take off your list this time around (you can also plan on revisiting them during your next trip.)
Ski lift mindfulness
There’s something so soothing about the moment of stillness you feel when you’re heading up on a ski lift for your next run. So, take advantage of the peaceful ride to practice some mindfulness! Encourage yourself and your ski buddies to connect with your senses: what do you hear, what does the wind feel like on your face, can you smell the pine trees? This awareness will bring you into the present.
The ski lift is a great time to practice mindfulness, but you’ll find there are many opportunities throughout the day! Here are a few more times when you can encourage your family to stop and take a look around:
When you’re riding the bus up to the mountain
When you’re taking a slope-side break for lunch or a hot cocoa
When you’re waiting for your food at a restaurant
At the end of the day, when you’re relaxing in the hot tub
Chat with the locals
In addition to meditation, scientists have found that we can lengthen our perception of time, both in the moment and when we look back on our memories, by making our experiences more impactful. And one way to do that is to connect with new people whom we can link to the experience.
For example, you might like to visit the local Mono Arts Council Gallery when you’re in town to browse the new art pieces and do some souvenir shopping. But, if you get the chance to take a class with a local artist or chat with the locals who run MAC at one of their seasonal events, two things will happen. You’ll be invited to bring your awareness to the present moment as you get to know a new person, which will slow down your time perception in the moment. And, you’ll make an emotional connection that will make that memory stand out in your mind.
Plus, it’ll brighten a local’s day if you take the time to get to know them! So, don’t be shy!
Let go of small stress
One of the biggest barriers to living in the present moment is that tiresome emotion that nobody likes: worry. If you spend your trip worrying about tomorrow’s weather forecast or the crowds at Vons or taking the perfect photo for your Christmas cards, you might just find that the days fly by without you being able to appreciate them.
So, if you find yourself in the worry loop, see if you can interrupt it! Remind yourself to let go of the small stress and make the most of what’s right in front of you, be it a snowman your kids made or a day on the lake or any other wonderful adventure that you can only have right here, right now.
End of the day summary
Finally, we like to encourage anyone who comes to Mammoth to stay present by ending the day with a little bit of a gratitude summary. This can be done solo, of course, but it’s a great activity to do with kids, as their answers may surprise you! Take a look at a few questions meant to get the gratitude flowing:
What was the best thing you ate today?
What made you laugh/smile today?
Who was the most interesting person you saw today?
If you could do one thing over again from today, what would it be?
If you had to choose a song as today’s soundtrack, what would you choose?
There are many more ways to be present during your Mammoth adventure!
In this article, we’ve shared some of our favorite ways to be more present when you’re up here in the mountains. But the truth is, there are many, many ways to practice mindfulness so that you can make the most of your time here.
We’d love to hear your strategies for staying present during your adventures!
And, if you’re still looking for a home base for all your amazing Mammoth Lakes activities, take a look at the condos we have available at Mammoth Mountain Reservations.